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Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care refers to all efforts made by a school in order to ensure the physical and emotional wellbeing of its students. At ISA Wenhua International Centre for A Level, 2e aim to offer a distinctly unique school experience through a deep commitment to the best quality education, and the highest standards of pastoral care. We strive to go far beyond a basic commitment to student wellbeing, by making unprecedented efforts to foster their holistic growth and development.

Boarding 2022

The boarding house is a purpose-built facility, located on the ISA Science City campus. It is within easy reach of the Secondary School building and sports facilities. Boarding students reside in large, comfortable, ergonomically-designed rooms.

Boarding students share a bedroom with a maximum capacity of four students per room, with male and female students living on different floors. The school’s House Parents reside on-site with the boarding students, ensuring that strict supervision and prompt support is available to the students, when needed.

Boarders have extended access to our world-leading facilities. This additional access includes the sports centre, gymnasium, basketball and badminton courts, running track and football pitch, music and drama studios, library and indoor swimming pool.

Fresh laundry is provided through our convenient laundry services. Students simply deliver their personal items two times per week to our laundry service to be laundered and returned.

House System

The purpose of our house system is to help the students to develop a sense of belonging and pride within our school community. Through the effective implementation of our House System, we aim to create a positive, inclusive school community and culture, with kindness, excellence, respect and integrity as our core values. The House System also allows students to participate in healthy competition, and engage in a variety of meaningful activities, designed to contribute to their personal growth and development.



Rosalind House was named after Rosalind Elsie Franklin, a female English chemist, whose work led to the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA. Rosalind Franklin is commonly known as a “wronged heroine”, due to the lack of recognition and credit she received for her outstanding work and amazing discoveries, which were particularly impressive in an era when women were heavily underrepresented in the scientific and scholarly community.

Rosalind House represents the outstanding values, hard work, commitment and determination exhibited by its inspirer, who achieved great things against all odds. We hope that the Rosalind House student members will be inspired by the excellence, integrity and courage of a woman who left a mark in this world despite never being recognized for her unprecedented discoveries.


Grayson House is inspired by Grayson Perry, a contemporary English artist who has defied the social norms and expectations in order to express his individuality and true personality, all while building a successful career in the arts field. Grayson’s work has received ample recognition, earning him many prizes and awards, due his extraordinary talent and ability to touch the lives of others through the satire, humor, anger, sadness and pain he infuses in his work. Grayson Perry is said to have experienced a very difficult childhood, which he used as motivation to persevere and achieve.

Grayson’s unapologetic honesty inspires millions of people to be their true selves, to be creative and to follow their dreams. We hope that the members of the Grayson House can learn from the bravery and strength of this artist, who dared to create his own destiny and his unique place in this world.


Tutor System

One of the most unique features of our school is our tutor system, which ensure the true individualization of care that we provide to our students. Tutors provide advice and guidance to students on a wide range of issues related to shared living and boarding, academic, learning and general wellbeing. Tutors are also the second line of intervention in matters related to student discipline both inside and outside the classroom.

Parent Communication

Our comprehensive parent communication system aims to foster strong relationships of cooperation and mutual understanding between the school and the families. In order to keep parents abreast of the progress of their children, as well as all school events and announcements, we utilize four parallel communication channels.

  • Weekly Newsletter
  • Tutor Notes
  • WeCom
  • ManageBac

Behavioral Support and Studen Discipline

As part of our pastoral philosophy and intentional efforts to help students become well-rounded and principled individuals, we believe discipline must be fair and restorative but also firm. Our student management system combines strict rules and procedures with restorative practices, in order to mentor and guide students when their behaviour requires improvement.

Our strong student management system includes strict regulations regarding technology devices, in order to ensure students use their technology primarily for educational purposes. Laptop computers and ipads are only allowed in the classroom and under teacher supervision, and students are not allowed to use their mobile phones from Sunday to Friday while they are on campus. All cellphones are collected and kept in a safe box in the administration office during the week.

Dormitory life is also guided by clearly defined routines and regulations, which ensure heathy living habits. Students are closely monitored by their house parents in order to ensure they sleep/wake up on time, and room checks are carried out on a daily basis in order to ensure cleanliness, tidiness and that there are no electronic devices hidden in the dormitories.