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Principal's speech



Jiarui Li

A cornerstone of the ISA Wenhua Centre for A Level is the desire to provide students with opportunities – the opportunity to explore multiple academic areas, the opportunity to voice their own academic and personal goals, and the opportunity to take ownership of their learning and achievements. Student voices are valued and respected – in and out of the classroom

Our program is designed to address the unique academic, artistic, physical, creative, and emotional needs of maturing adolescents.  We provide a developmentally appropriate educational experience to ensure each student can access a relevant and exploratory curriculum in a climate of high expectations.

The A Level Centre offers IGCSE curriculum in Years 9 and 10 and A Level courses in Years 11 and 12.  Not only is it truly international – but it also gives students a wide range of options.  Over four years, learners will specialize after exploring a broader range of subjects.  The courses develop a deep understanding of content along with independent thinking skills.  Classes are student-centered and collaborative.

ISA Wenhua International Centre for A Level is guided by the ISA Vision – Inquire, Succeed, Act – as we strive to educate, inspire and teach our students to be global citizens of high character who can think effectively, passionately, creatively and critically.


Anne Martin-Bauer

ISA Wenhua International Centre for A Level is founded on the principles of Respect, Integrity, Kindness and Excellence. We are motivated by the mission of offering a unique school experience through a deep commitment to the best quality education and the highest standards of pastoral care.

The intrinsic motivation to work hard comes from a genuine interest in a subject and a relationship with a teacher who inspires interest. What happens in the classroom is of the utmost importance to our teaching and learning. We strive to embrace the concept of intellectual playfulness – where the learner is empowered to drive their own learning, to own their achievements, where they are excited to be in the classroom eager to make their own discoveries. Our teachers aspire to encourage a love for learning, that will continue beyond ISA Wenhua to university, then into life.

The uniqueness of an ISA Wenhua education that blends our multi-lingual curriculum with a full boarding school setting, the great strengths of Chinese education, culture, society, and heritage, with the richness of international curricula and an international mindset, will prepare students well for their future. Through our variety of academic learning pathways, our students are educated to be truly globally-minded citizens of the world. Their hard work, dedication, and commitment to making a positive contribution to society will enable them to take up the ownership of their own life in due course. Our motto encapsulates this:  Together, we go further.